Professional Affiliations
Industry Affiliations
We have worked in many industries, and over time have developed contacts with organisations across Australia. We have listed below organisations which we know provide the same professional services that we pride ourselves on.
We receive ongoing advice and support from our HR and IR consultants, HR Dynamics based in Cairns and the Sunshine Coast, and for the scary stuff we can't go past our fabulous legal advisors Williams Graham Carman, based in Cairns.
For the management of our beans, we love our shiney-panted accountant David Bulgeries in Parramatta, and our slightly mad but always entertaining financiers Finlease in Sydney.
Finally, we tip our hat to the very talented people who manage to insure us in just about anything, Vintage Wealth in Hornsby and the amazing local Cairns business AllSigns, who like to constantly remind us who we are.
Professional Memberships
We are proud members of the following Organisations\Groups: