CSQ Short Course Program

CSQ Short Course Building and Civil 2024-25

Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) is an independent, not-for-profit, industry-funded body supporting employers, workers, apprentices, trainees and career seekers in the building and construction industry. 

CSQ provides funding to reduce the financial obstacle to training, making upskilling an affordable option for many more individuals in
the construction industry.

CSQ-funded training is delivered by a range of selected registered training organisations (RTOs) across Queensland.

CSQ contributes towards the cost of courses to reduce the cost to participants. CSQ funding is paid directly to the contracted RTO.

Short courses are individual competencies and skills sets designed for workers wanting to upgrade their skills and knowledge, meet compliance requirements, get a licence or diversify their skills. The Short Courses program provides funding to assist with upskilling and cross skilling workers in the building and construction industry.


What short courses are subsidised by funding?

Short Courses - Building

Code Short Course Title CSQ Contribution Participant to Pay Areas Covered
AGAT Asbestos General Awareness Training (non-accredited) $150.00 Fully Funded Far North
BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business venture $360.00 $40.00 Far North
BSBWHS414 Contribute to WHS risk management $360.00 $40.00 Far North
CPCCDE3014 Remove non-friable asbestos $225.00 $125.00 Far North
CPCCDE4008 Supervise asbestos removal $225.00 $25.00 Far North
CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry $240.00


Far North
CPCCLDG3001 Licence to perform dogging $964.00



Northern, Mackay Whitsundays
CPCCLRG3001 Licence to perform rigging basic level $1,249.00 $901.00 Northern, Mackay Whitsundays
CPCCLRG3002 Licence to perform rigging intermediate level $1,307.00



Northern, Mackay Whitsundays
CPCCLRG4001 Licence to perform rigging advanced level $1,068.00 $1,097.00 Northern
CPCCLSF2001 Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding basic level $928.00 $1,000.00 Mackay Whitsundays
HLTAID011* Provide first aid $108.00 $92.00 Far North
MSMWHS217* Gas test atmospheres $202.00 $65.00 Far North, Northern, Mackay Whitsundays
TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) $528.00 $272.00 Northern, Mackay Whitsundays
TLILIC0040 Licence to operate a non-slewing mobile crane (greater than 3 tonnes capacity) $1,250.00



Northern, Mackay Whitsundays
TLILIC0023 Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 60 tonnes) $1,402.00



Northern, Mackay Whitsundays
 TLILIC0024  Licence to operate a vehicle loading crane (capacity 10-meter tonnes and above) $1,159.00  $1,006.00   
UEECD0007` Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace $240.00 $110.00 Far North
UEERL0003` Conduct in-service safety testing of electrical cord connected equipment and cord assemblies $303.00 $47.00 Far North
WHSQHSRNCB01 Health and Safety Representative (HSR) - WHSQ approved training course – Initial (5 days)  $589.00 $401.00 Far North
WHSQHSRNCB02 Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Refresher Course - WHSQ approved training course $268.00 $82.00 Far North

Short Courses - Civil 

Code Short Course Title CSQ Contribution Participant to Pay Areas Covered
RIIWHS202E Enter and work in confined spaces $300.00 $65.00 Far North, Northern, Mackay Whitsundays
RIIWHS204E Work safely at heights $225.00 $75.00 Far North, Northern, Mackay Whitsundays

Please note:

- You cannot complete more than 8 units of competency between 01/10/2024 to 30/09/2025 including no more than 3 High Risk Work Licenses and 3 mobile plant operator

- Where courses do not appear on our training calendar, they may be run as dedicated courses for groups

* Units are trained within programs containing further units

^ Complete both CPCCDE3014 & CPCCDE4008 on the same day to have the two units fully funded

` Complete both UEECD0007 & UEERL0003 on the same day to have the two units fully funded

Who is eligible?

Participants under this agreement must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Right to work in Australia

  • an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or Permanent Resident of Australia; or

  • a visa holder who has the right to work in Australia and has been employed as an eligible worker in the Queensland Building & Construction Industry for 6 months or more; or

  • an unemployed eligible worker who has been unemployed for a period of not greater than 6 months, in Queensland; and is

  • aged 15 years or older (Short Course - Civil only).

Must be an 'eligible worker'

Employees and self-employed workers, substantially engaged in the Queensland Building and Construction industry, doing:

  • construction, significant renovations and extensions of residential and commercial buildings
  • installation services for interiors of residential and commercial buildings in associated trades; electrical, plumbing, flooring etc.
  • works on a CSQ designated Major Project – construction of infrastructure

Employed and self-employed workers, substantially engaged in the Queensland civil construction industry, doing:

  • land development and site preparation for the purpose of construction
  • works for civil infrastructure
  • works on a CSQ designated Major Project – construction of infrastructure

Please check the 'areas covered' column in the table to find out if Total Management and Training cover your region.


Who is not eligible?

The participant must not already be funded for delivery of the same training being undertaken as part of the Short Course program.

The participant must not be:

  • Employees of an authority (Short Course - Civil Only - Exception a participant whose employer is a local council who is undertaking roles which would ordinarily be considered an Eligible Worker);
  • Employees of other industries (Automotive; Arts, Culture, Entertainment and Design; Amenity Horticulture and Landscaping; Amusement Leisure & Recreation; Maritime; Metal, Engineering and Boating; Mining and Drilling; Property Developers and Consultants; Retail and Wholesale Trade; Tourism, Travel and Hospitality; Transport and Logistics)
  • Currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program;
  • Contracted trainer or assessor or existing worker of an RTO;
  • Already funded by an Authority or other such source for delivery of the same training;
  • Undertaking the training as part of an apprenticeship or traineeship (Short Courses - Civil Only);
  • Participants seeking a verification of competency. 


How the Funding Works

Some of these short courses are scheduled on our public training calendar. Once you are enrolled and complete the CSQ Eligibility Form we can allocate the CSQ contribution towards your enrolment. 

If you have a group, you may book a dedicated course for your organisation as long as you meet the minimum numbers of eligible funded attendees. Minimum numbers vary for each course, so please check with our friendly staff to determine how many people you need to meet this requirement. Maximum numbers for each course is set at 10 participants, and you must pay the per person amount indicated for each attendee; the balance is subsidised by CSQ.

If you don’t have enough people to cover the minimum numbers, you can still book a dedicated course, and you are simply charged the difference between how much the funded people cover and the full course cost. Our team will assist you in calculating the residual cost if this situation arises.


Additional Costs and Expenses

Where training is conducted outside the immediate Cairns, Townsville or Mackay areas, then additional costs will be applicable. Any airfares, travel, accommodation, meals and materials freight incurred in the provision of this training will be on-charged. Please contact us for a formal quotation for courses conducted outside of these major centres.


Course Venue and Equipment

These courses may be conducted in our training rooms in Cairns, at the School of Rigging facility in Townsville, or on-site at client premises. Where courses are conducted on-site then a suitable venue and white board are to be provided by the client company. The venue shall have sufficient tables and chairs for participants to be seated comfortably for the duration of training. Any catering costs shall be borne by the client company. Please contact us to discuss alternate arrangements if there is any difficulty in providing these facilities and equipment.


How to enrol under CSQ funding

You will need to complete two forms to enrol into a course and access the CSQ Funding.

1. Enrolment and Training Agreement

2. Short Courses - Building OR Short Courses - Civil

For public courses, please contact our office to ensure courses are going ahead prior to booking. Asbestos training has a pre-requisite so please contact us for more information on this.

Please contact our office to book an on-site or dedicated course for your organisation (funded or not funded). Dates will only be locked in on the return of a signed quote/booking form, accompanied by funding paperwork for each participant, if relevant.



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