
Why aren't you testing and tagging it yourself?

How much are you spending to test and tag your equipment? It’s probably not cattle stations, however in the current climate it would be nice to save a few bucks right? Maybe it’s time to invest in your own staff and get them trained up to do this job for you.

How handy will it be if you come across a piece of equipment which ‘missed’ the last test and tag session, and you can just hand it to your staff member and ask them to test it, rather than have to use it surreptitiously and hope no one notices, or tag it out of action until you can get someone back.

We have great trainers in this space who Test and Tag for a living, so have had all the questions thrown at them by enthusiastic employers, and have had the joy of coming across some real antiques in industry – some which should stand proud of being so reliable after all these years, and others which should have been taken to the dump prior to the last ice age.

So go on, choose your favourite employee… just kidding, we know you love them all equally. But do send someone along to our next Test and Tag course, and save yourself a fistful of cash down the track having to outsource this component of health and safety.

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