
Asbestos Awareness Week


Asbestos Awareness

Information published on 20 November 2024 by Paul Hyde, Assistant Director-General, QBuild, Department of Housing and Public Works 

Asbestos Awareness Week (25 November to 1 December) is a timely reminder to be aware of the risks and legal requirements involving Asbestos Containing Material (ACM).

Asbestos is still commonly used in some countries and can still be found in some Queensland Government facilities. Asbestos is likely to be present in buildings built prior to 1990 and in plant and equipment manufactured and imported up to 2003. To manage the risks associated with asbestos-related work, it is important contractors are familiar with current legislative conditions as well as QBuild’s and its customers’ requirements.

The Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (the Regulation) requires a safe work method statement to be developed for any work that involves, or is likely to involve, the disturbance of asbestos. If the work is licenced asbestos removal, an Asbestos Removal Control Plan must be developed. Due to the probability of encountering ACM in government buildings contractors and workers are required to have documented training in asbestos related work that includes identifying ACM, safe work methods, and controlling hazards and risks associated with the disturbance of ACM. More information on Asbestos Awareness Training and licencing requirements can be found at https://www.asbestos.qld.gov.au/.

Under the Conditions of Working with QBuild, all contractors conducting ‘building-related work’ in any government building, must be issued with and review the following:

  • Work Area Access Permit (WAAP) or similar
  • facilities asbestos register/Built Environment Material Information Register (BEMIR or similar) to identify any Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)
  • site/facility Asbestos Management Plan (where applicable).

All workers must consider the build date and building elements of a structure as well as plant/equipment prior to conducting work. Best-practice is to sample any unidentified assumed materials.

Contractors undertaking asbestos-related work must provide QBuild with:

  • Safe Work Method Statement
  • Asbestos Removal Control Plan (licenced removal work)
  • Worker Face Fit Test records
  • Dispersed Oil Particulate (DOP) testing evidence for appropriate equipment (for example, H Class vacuum cleaners)
  • Evidence of appropriate training records
  • Waste Tracking documentation

Copy of Form 65 – Notification of licenced asbestos removal work, demolition work or emergency demolition (licenced asbestos removal work only)

Any contractor or worker who discovers the presence of any unidentified or assumed material that may contain asbestos, or any other hazardous substance must:

  1. Not disturb the material
  2. Ensure that all workers on the site are protected from immediate risks until the nature of the material has been determined and appropriate action taken
  3. Inform the nominated QBuild representative immediately of the existence of the material
  4. Follow the directions of the QBuild representative in respect of the action to be taken.

The Queensland Government will host a Know your Asbestos: identification and safe removal webinar for small projects webinar on Thursday 28 November from 10am-11.15am. You can register for this free event here.

Working toward ACM eradication is a collaborative effort with the health and safety of workers and community members a top priority. We encourage you to stay up to date with the latest asbestos information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local QBuild representative. 

More information

The Queensland Government Conditions of Working with QBuild

The Queensland Government WorkSafe, Home | WorkSafe.qld.gov.au

The Queensland Government Asbestos Management Policy, Implementation Standards and additional resources are available at the Forgov Manage Asbestos website.


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