Bullying and Harassment Course

What is Bullying and Harassment?

Workplace bullying is verbal, physical, social or psychological abuse by an employer (or manager), another person or group of people at work. 

Workplace bullying can happen in any type of workplace, from offices to shops, cafes, restaurants, workshops, community groups and government organisations. 

Workplace bullying can happen to volunteers, work experience students, interns, apprentices, casual and permanent employees.

How is it Identified?

Behaviours which may form part of workplace bullying and harassment include where someone regularly:

  • insults a person loudly, especially when others are around to hear
  • threatens to punish someone for no reason
  • emails the person, or leaves them messages by phone or other electronic means which are offensive or intimidating
  • sabotages a person’s work (e.g. by giving wrong information on purpose)
  • excludes a person from workplace meetings or social get togethers
  • spreads false rumours about someone
  • humiliates a person through gestures, sarcasm, criticism and insults, especially in front of others.


Participants completing this training will be able to:

  • Define workplace bullying and harassment and the legislation behind it
  • Recognise workplace bullying and harassment
  • Identify behaviours which do not constitute bullying and harassment
  • Employer and worker obligations  (including reporting)
  • Respond to situations involving workplace bullying and harassment
  • Investigating incidents or complaints
  • What co-workers can do to stop bullying and harassment

Course Outcome

Participants attending this course will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Why do I need to know about this?

Workplace bullying and harassment is an issue for all employers. Bullying results in real costs to both the organisation and the individual. It constitutes a significant risk to the health, safety and wellbeing of the individual and can lead to serious psychological injury.  Both employers and employees alike need to understand what bullying and harassment is, and what their obligations are under legislation.

Employer Responsibilities

As an employer you may be liable for the actions of employees if you have not taken reasonable actions to prevent bullying or harassment, or respond to any complaint.

Reasonable actions can include acting on bullying or harassment issues, implementing policies and procedures and training programs for all staff.


Course Venue and Equipment

Courses may be conducted in TMT's training rooms in Cairns or onsite at the client's premises.

Where courses are conducted onsite then a suitable venue and white board are to be provided by the client company. The venue shall have sufficient tables and chairs for participants to be seated comfortably for the duration of training. Any catering costs shall be borne by the client company. Please contact us to discuss alternate arrangements if there is any difficulty in providing these facilities and equipment.


Additional Costs and Expenses

Where the training is conducted outside the immediate Cairns area then additional costs will be applicable. Any airfares, travel, accommodation, meals and materials freight incurred in the provision of this training will be on-charged. Mileage and traveling time will be charged at our standard rates. Please contact us for a formal quotation for courses conducted outside of Cairns.


How to Book a Dedicated Course

Contact our office to book a dedicated course for your organisation. Dates will be scheduled at the time of booking.



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