Medical Practice Staff Workshops

Privacy and Confidentiality in the Practice

A practical, industry-relevant workshop to improve privacy outcomes for medical practices and patients. Risk management in the practice starts here!

  • Review of the new (13) Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)
  • Develop robust privacy policies - formation, documentation and communication.
  • Legal compliance for emails, fax and social media.
  • Impact of technology.


Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

This workshop provides successful strategies to assist managers in dealing with disagreements, confrontations, anxiety, anger and complaints in the practice and with patients.

  • Workplace policy and procedures to deal with aggression and bullying.
  • Different behavioural and communication styles.
  • Recognising and controlling negative behaviour.
  • Resolving conflict and setting procedures for escalating conflict.


Managing Under Performance

Underperformance in the workplace, if not addressed appropriately and sensitively, can lead to unproductive outcomes which will affect the entire practice staff and patients.

  • Identify underperformance correctly, specifically and fairly.
  • Consistent performance management.
  • Build supportive and valued staff culture.
  • Address performance issues lawfully.


Infection Control and Prevention Policies & Procedures for Practice Staff

Healthcare associated infection in the practice is preventable, and this workshop aims to promote and facilitate this goal.

  • Basics of infection prevention and control.
  • Overview of risk management in infection prevention and control.
  • Standard precautions and recommendations.
  • Putting into practice and implementing improvements.


Change Management

Managing change of any type in the workplace can be complex. Health is in a constant state of change on many levels – a robust transition and successful outcome requires clear and concise procedures, plans and systems to be in place. The goal is to minimise any staff performance drop and any upheaval to operating the practice. It is paramount the practice and staff are able to operate across their normal roles, while introducing, implementing and reviewing any new change.

  • Understanding the impact of change.
  • Developing a change and communication plan.
  • Addressing concerns and issues whilst evaluating options.
  • Evaluate and monitor results and outcomes. 




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