To give participants an understanding of a proactive and preventative approach to work health and safety. To build upon the health and safety knowledge and experience of employees, safety advisors, elected health and safety representatives (who have already undertaken HSR training), health and safety officers, and other health and safety practitioners.
Target Audience
This qualification is suitable for people in a work health and safety (WHS) role who may or may not work under supervision. They may provide leadership and guidance to others and have some limited responsibility for the output of others. The qualification reflects the role of workers who apply a broad knowledge base and well-developed skills in a wide variety of contexts and may include coordinators, advisors and facilitators.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Familiarise themselves with WHS laws, rights and duties
- Undertake WHS inspections and complete documentation
- Understand hazard identification and the effective control of hazards
- Critically examine the concept of risk assessment and management systems
- Respond to incidents and assist with implementing emergency procedures
- Undertake rehabilitation and return-to-work coordination
- Manage contractors and implement measures and initiatives
- Conduct toolbox talks and presentations with confidence
Qualification Certificate
Upon successful completion of assessment tasks (or the RPL process if you have taken that pathway) you will receive the BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety qualification.
Study Options
Online - Self paced Learning
Are you highly experienced and already in a safety role, but just don’t have a piece of paper to show for it? You may choose to enrol in the online option with no classroom attendance, and smash out those assessments with ease.
Unfortunately, our Classroom delivery is currently under review and is not available.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Upon enrolment, you will be asked a series of questions, and participate in a “competency conversation”. Your history of study, skills and experience will be taken into account, and where your experience supports the criteria included in the units of competency, this will be used to reduce the amount of study you need to do for this qualification. Documentary or other evidence will be required for any statements relating to previous experience or credit transfer.
Every Student Receives:
- A training and assessment plan customised to your circumstances
- Comprehensive learning resources, including our own WHS eBook, plus useful templates
- Industry sourced video content
- Assistance when required by one of the TMT Trainers
- Ongoing assistance and guidance from our Support Team
What Do I Bring to Class?
We have student laptops available for use in the classroom, as your studies will require the use of this technology both online and offline. If you wish to bring your own laptop computer (or decent tablet or notebook) please ensure you are familiar with using it and researching online, as we cannot provide IT assistance during the classroom facilitation. Please note iPads generally cannot do the tasks we require, so they are not recommended. Government or corporate laptops are also not recommended due to the security restrictions they have with regards to accessing the Internet.
Time Required to Complete
How long will this take me to complete? This is a common question, and difficult to answer, as everyone is different. Some work faster than others, have existing experience, and prior knowledge. They will probably complete faster. If you have a good study ethic, available time, and chip away at the assessments on a regular basis, you can most likely get this done in a 6 month timeframe or even sooner. If you have limited time, and/or study is challenging for you, give yourself the full 12 months to complete.
Units of Competency
01 WHS Law and Consultation*:
- BSBWHS412 Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws (Core)
- BSBWHS413 Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes (Core)
02 WHS Management Systems*:
- BSBWHS415 Contribute to implementing WHS management systems (Core)
- BSBWRT411 Write complex documents (Elective)
03 WHS Risk Management*:
- BSBWHS414 Contribute to WHS risk management (Core)
04 Managing Contractors*:
- BSBWHS418 Assist with managing WHS compliance of contractors (Elective)
05 Emergency Prevention:
- PUAFER002 Ensure facility emergency prevention procedures, systems and processes are implemented (Elective)
06 Incident Response and Investigation*:
- BSBWHS416 Contribute to workplace incident response (Core)
07 Rehabilitation and Return to Work:
- BSBWHS417 Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work (Elective)
08 Make Presentations
- BSBCMM411 Make presentations (Elective)
* Includes assessment task requiring a booked meeting with the trainer. This can be done via a phone call, face to face or zoom session.
Is this the right qualification for me?
Whilst no licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication; relevant national, state and territory legislation, regulations and codes of practice impact upon this qualification.
The harmonised WHS legislation brings with it the need for health and safety advisors to hold appropriate qualifications.
Workplace Health & Safety Queensland and other State and Territory Regulators support the Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety as an appropriate qualification for Safety Advisors or Workplace Health and Safety Officers.
How to Enrol
If you wish to enrol in the Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety, please click on the ENROL NOW button, fill in and email or post a completed enrolment form back to Total Management and Training, stating which delivery option you prefer.
To assist with affordability, you may enter into a payment plan where an initial small payment is taken up front, and further instalments are deducted via direct debit over a period of time.
For further information, please read the Student Information Handbook which is located at the bottom of our website.