Are you procrastinating? Let's get this done.
TMT offers study sessions to all students undertaking qualifications with our registered training organisation.
WHS Individual Assessment
When completing the Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety, you are required to complete various communication tasks. Time estimated is approximately 15 minutes. Please choose a day and time (link below) which suits you.
If you would like to book more than one communication task on the same day, you may book 2 x 30 minute sessions (this will allow you enough time to complete 3 x oral assessments). Please note you are limited to 2 x 30 minute sessions per day.
If times available do not suit you, please contact the office on 07 4051 6357 or and we can arrange another time for you to complete your WHS Assessments.
These sessions may be viewed and booked by clicking here.
GIDS - Get It Done Sessions
Get It Done Sessions allow you to study in our training room (equipped with laptop computers) where you have access to a trainer for questions / assistance.
You may either book a morning or afternoon session (or both). Once you are set up, we can organise the Trainer to meet with you (15 minute one-on-one sessions per assessment) and get you back on track with your assessment tasks.
These sessions may be viewed and booked by clicking here.