Who Should Attend
Persons who have been elected into the role of a Health and Safety Representative for their organisation must complete the initial 5 day training course within 28 days of being elected.
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (s72) and Regulation (s21) requires that where a person is elected as a Health and Safety Representative, they must attend a five-day training course prescribed under regulation.
Under s21 of the Regulation, they also must attend a one day's refresher training at least every 12 months, with the entitlement to the first refresher training commencing 12 months after the initial training.
A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must ensure that a HSR has completed the required training and:
- allow the HSR to choose their training
- allow the HSR to attend the training
- ensure the HSR is paid their usual amount of pay, including any overtime, penalties and allowances the HSR would otherwise earn if they completed their normal duties, and
- pay the training fees and other reasonable costs.
What will I learn?
The aim of this course is to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to enable them to fulfil the role of an effective Health and Safety Representative and to meet the entitlements as prescribed by legislation.
The aim of this course are to provide HSRs and deputy HSRs, elected under the Work Health & Safety legislation, with information and skills relating to:
- WHS legislative framework and key terminology
- Duties of various stakeholders which can influence work health and safety
- Enforcement measures available for breaches of WHS legislation
- The roles of unions and WHS entry permit holders under the WHS Act
- Requirements for consultation, representation and participation on work health and safety issues in the workplace
- The role of Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs), Health and Safety Committee (HSCs), and other authorised representatives
- HSR’s powers including the issuing of Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs)
On completion of this course, participants will have acquired the skills and knowledge to enable them to fulfil the role of a Health and Safety Representative.
What if I’m already a Health & Safety Rep?
HSRs will be able to exercise all their powers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, including issuing Provision Improvement Notices (PINs) and the power to direct workers to cease work, as long as they have completed the initial five day training course.
If the current HSR is re-elected, they are required to undertake a 1-day refresher training course with an approved RTO within 28 days of the election (section 21(1)(b) of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011). See our website page for HSR Refresher Training.
If the re-elected HSR has not undertaken the refresher training within the 28-day period and the PCBU has a valid reason why, the PCBU can make a request for an exemption to undertake the refresher training outside the 28-day period by emailing . The request for an exemption must include the following:
- details of the HSR,
- date of last training, and
- reason why training has not been conducted within the 28 days after re-election.
If there is no valid reason/s why the HSR has not received refresher training within the specified time, the HSR will need to attend the 5-day training course again.
Can what I already know be taken into account? (RPL)
The five day Health and Safety Representatives course, and the one day refresher course is not able to be undertaken via the Recognition of Prior Learning process. Training must be conducted face-to-face in a classroom environment, or in extenuating circumstances (such as extreme remote communities) via video-conferencing (connected delivery) if this is available. This is a requirement of the Regulator.
Refresher Training
HSRs are entitled to refresher training 12 months after the initial 5 day training course. Trained HSRs who continue in the role must undertake refresher training at least every 12 months to continue to issue PINS and direct workers to cease work. For more information regarding refresher training, please click here.
How will I be assessed and what will I receive?
Participant engagement and attendance will be assessed by the trainer in addition to a course review questionnaire. Course participants who attend the full five days of training, and participate during the training delivery will receive a Statement of Attendance.
Course Venue and Equipment
The course is usually conducted in our training rooms in Cairns. Where courses are conducted onsite then a suitable venue, data projector or TV monitor with HDMI cabling, are to be provided by the client company. The venue shall have sufficient space for the participants to be seated comfortably for the duration of training and have enough table space to enable participants to research and participate in activities. Any catering costs shall be borne by the client company. Please contact us to discuss alternate arrangements if there is any difficulty in providing these facilities and equipment.
Additional Costs and Expenses
Where the training is conducted outside the immediate Cairns area additional costs will be applicable. Any airfares, travel, accommodation, meals and materials freight incurred in the provision of this training will be on-charged. Mileage and traveling time will be charged at our standard rates. Please contact us for a formal quotation for courses conducted outside of Cairns.
How to Enrol in a Public Course
The latest course schedule and enrolment form may be found in our Calendars page under Training on our website. Please download, fill in and email the completed enrolment form back to Total Management and Training ( ) to secure a place on the next course.
How to Book an On-Site or Dedicated Course
Contact our office to book an on-site or dedicated course for your organisation. Dates will be scheduled on receipt of course booking.