What is WHS Fixed Fee Support?
The new Work Health and Safety legislation places general health and safety duties on organisations, officers of organisations, management and workers. These duties require the duty holder to ensure health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable, by eliminating risks to health and safety.
For many, this creates a challenge to administer, whilst still running a profitable, cost effective and efficient organisation. This service will assist you in ensuring health and safety compliance and managing your risks.
We will work with you to identify and manage the risks to your workers, as required by regulations, codes of practice, or by application of the risk management process. Our service is based on informing you of the required actions, rather than simply what is wrong. This is then supported by assisting you in prioritising actions. At all times we are available to provide advice and guidance on issues as they may arise.
This service can be summarised as having a health and safety professional on tap, to respond to your requirements.
- Evaluation of needs
- Regular monitoring of your business
- Access and support from qualified consultants
- Telephone and email support
- Known costs for support
- Peace of mind
What will you get?
- Our qualified consultant will act as your health and safety advisor, assisting the organisation, officers and management in meeting their duties.
- An initial evaluation of health and safety management and compliance will be undertaken within one month of contract commencement.
- Based on the findings of the evaluation, a prioritised plan will be prepared for recommended actions in relation to health and safety management, work practices and the workplace.
- A minimum of three visits to your premises over a year, not just for monitoring purposes, but providing continuing guidance in implementing change.
- Telephone and email support will be provided in respect to day to day queries.
- Provision of practical, plain English updates on legislation and any other identified issues via our email newsletter.
- Invitation to regular information evenings on topical or important issues.
- 5% discount on other services and training.
Additional Services
We also offer a wide range of additional services which may be utilised for additional fees. These services include workplace health and safety assessments and audits, fire safety audits, construction work management plans, plant and risk assessments, enforceable undertakings, accident investigations and general consultancy services.
In all instances where additional services are required, a quote will be provided detailing the fees involved. Please browse through the items on our website.
Training Services
In addition to the above, we are also able to provide accredited training through our registered training organisation. Training available includes short courses such as Asbestos removal, confined space entry, hazardous substances, working at heights and test and tag.
Health and safety courses include Construction Safety Induction White Card, Health & Safety Representative training, HSR Refresher, Risk Management training, just to name a few.
Our corporate courses consist of time management, stepping up to supervisor, communication skills, psychological safety, de-escalating conflict, project management fundamentals, and many more. We can also offer training in Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. Details of training courses and our calendar are available on our website.
As the hours involved in the provision of these services are dependent on the size and complexity of the organisation, the location and number of sites, and the type of industry, a quote will be provided to those interested in these services.
Travelling Costs and Expenses
Where we have to travel outside the immediate Cairns area additional costs will be applicable. Any airfares, travel, accommodation and meals incurred in the provision of this consultancy will be on-charged. Mileage and traveling time will be charged at our standard consultancy rates. Details of these costs will be included in the quote.