Implementing Continuous Improvement

What is Continuous Improvement?

Continuous Improvement is the on-going effort to improve products, services and processes by making small, incremental improvements within a business. It is based on the belief that these incremental changes will add up to major improvements over time and it is as much about tactics (i.e. specific improvements) as it is about changing the culture of the organisation to focus on opportunities for improvement rather than problems.

The support of an organisation’s leadership team is usually cited as the number one factor for the success of a continuous improvement initiative. Leaders must exhibit behaviours that not only demonstrate support for the initiative but also the behaviours that they wish all employees to emulate.

Frontline managers have an active role in implementing the continuous improvement process to achieve the organisation's objectives. Their position, closely associated with the creation and delivery of products and services, means that they have an important role in influencing the ongoing development of the organisation.

Program Content

This program will cover the following:

  • The history and methodologies of continuous improvement
  • Continuous improvement tools and development of strategic approaches
  • The elements of strategy to facilitate continuous improvement
  • Implementing and leading continuous improvement initiatives
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Communicating strategy
  • Communicating in the workplace
  • Deciding what is important, what to measure and what to track
  • Measuring improvement
  • Appraising performance and adjusting strategy
  • Communicating and providing performance feedback
  • Turning problems into opportunities

Course Outcome

Participants attending this program will gain a strong understanding of how to implement continuous improvement strategies, steadily building-up skills and resources within the organisation to find and solve problems. All participants will be provided with course notes and handouts, and will gain a Certificate of Completion.


Course Venue and Equipment

Courses may be delivered in TMT's training rooms in Cairns, or onsite at the client's premises.

Where courses are conducted onsite then a suitable venue complete with white board or butchers paper is to be provided by the client company.  The venue shall have sufficient space for the participants to be seated comfortably for the duration of training. Any catering costs shall be borne by the client company.  Please contact us to discuss alternate arrangements if there is any difficulty in providing these facilities and equipment.


Additional Costs and Expenses

Where the training is conducted outside the immediate Cairns area then additional costs will be applicable. Any airfares, travel, accommodation, meals and materials freight incurred in the provision of this training will be on-charged plus 10%. Mileage and traveling time will be charged at our standard rates. Please contact us for a formal quotation for courses conducted outside of Cairns.


How to Book a Dedicated Course

Contact our office if you would like to book a dedicated course. Course date will be scheduled at the time of booking.



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