BSB30719 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety


This qualification reflects the role of individuals performing work health and safety (WHS) duties in addition to their main duties. They may provide technical advice and support to a team and apply a range of competencies in varied work contexts. It provides the skills and knowledge required to contribute to a variety of WHS tasks.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of WHS laws in the workplace
  • Participate in WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes
  • Contribute effectively to WHS communication and consultation processes
  • Contribute to WHS issue-resolution processes and write simple documents
  • Participate in identifying and controlling hazardous chemicals
  • Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations
  • Apply communication skills and organise personal work priorities
  • Use inclusive work practices and support effective workplace relationships


Target Market

This qualification reflects the role of individuals performing work health and safety (WHS) duties in addition to their main duties. They may provide technical advice and support to a team and apply a range of competencies in varied work contexts. It provides the skills and knowledge required to contribute to a variety of WHS tasks.


Units of Competency (Core Units)

BSBWHS307 Apply knowledge of WHS laws in the workplace
BSBWHS308 Participate in WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control processes
BSBWHS309 Participate effectively to WHS communication and consultation processes
BSBWHS310 Contribute to WHS issue-resolution processes
BSBWHS331 Participate in identifying and controlling hazardous chemicals
PUAFER001 Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations

Elective Units

BSBCMM211 Apply communication skills
BSBTWK301 Use inclusive work practices
BSBLDR301 Support effective workplace relationships
BSBPEF301 Organise personal work priorities
BSBWRT311 Write simple documents


How will participants be assessed and what will they receive?

Your competencies will be assessed through completion of workbook questioning, activities, and workplace projects. You are allocated a trainer who will be your support for the duration of your studies. 

Upon successful completion of the assessments you will receive the BSB30719 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety qualification.

How Long Will It Take?

Please note your enrolment in this qualification is for a set period and will expire automatically after one year. The time required to undertake the individual assessments will depend on your experience, literacy, skills and workplace resources, so cannot be estimated. If you have not completed your qualification in this time, an extension may be granted, however this will depend on how much progress has already been made in your studies.

Once a qualification has expired, you will receive a Statement of Attainment for any units which were completed during the enrolment timeframe. After expiry, you may re-enrol for another year for an additional fee, however this must be done within 6 months of the expiry date and will be subject to qualification currency. After 6 months, full price will be payable. Please refer to our Student Handbook for more information.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Your history of study, skills and experience can be taken into account but it must support the criteria included in the units of competency. Documentary evidence will be required. If you wish to RPL contact us, and we will provide you with our RPL information.

How to Enrol

If you wish to enrol in the Certificate III in Work Health and Safety, an enrolment form may be downloaded from our website. Fill in and email a completed enrolment form back to Total Management and Training along with payment.


Dedicated Course

If you would like to run a dedicated course for your organisation, we can deliver on-site classroom training. Please contact us for pricing.



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